About Nano Soma
An ancient biological lipid molecule called Policosanol; derived and extracted from un-refined foods such as the wax on the outer coating of sugar cane and rice. It is then transformed through a highly specialized and advanced nano process, then dissolved in pristine glacier water and formualted into a profoundly effective liquid nano emulsion.
Nano Soma is 100% safe. It is 100% natural. Its 100% sustainable. Nano Soma is safe to use for all ages and all health conditions and has no known side effects. You cannot overdose. (acute intelligence of self regulation according to what the body needs)
Nano Soma triggers the body to heal itself. Being extremely small, nano sized, (even in nano terms). This lipid envelope is now able to meet with the cell nuclear receptors (48 genomes .. unheard of) and modulate all immune responses. It activates the vitamin D3 cell receptors; enables the body to produce its own vitamin C and optimizes the bodies response to healing by rebalancing metabolic responses.
Nano Soma does not need or require fda approval; as it is a natural food and not a drug. It is classified as GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe).